Project summary
"Living in my city, Improving my city” is a project focused on the teenagers’ point of view of their cities, with the clear goals of presenting, exploring and improving these spaces according to their unique perspectives. Their recycling and environmental concerns, mobility problems and leisure activities will be the main focal points for their cross cultural interaction. Students will show each other their favourite “hanging out” places and leisure activities and also their main difficulties and most relevant concerns caused by their urban lifestyles. We wish to enhance social and cultural development of our students by creating the opportunity of comparing their different living realities / lifestyles and challenging them to give back to their communities with a practical improvement project related to environmental issues. In this sharing process, they’ll obviously discover and integrate their diverse experiences and solutions for some of their problems. They’ll have the opportunity of travelling and interacting with some students, teachers and the different local communities of our rich multicultural European society, thus becoming aware of their European citizenship status.