Dokumentacja projektu na:
Status: open
Uczestnicy 2010/2011:
Short description:
We are a group of six teachers from six different European countries and we participated in a preparatory visit in September to prepare a Comenius project together. Now we've decided to start our cooperation by creating a small Etwinning project to allow us and our students to get to know each other and share some of our most important celebrations and traditions. We want to exchange greetings, messages, photos, videos,etc... about our most important dates. Christmas will be the perfect starting point. The schools, teachers and students from Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Italy, Germany and Poland will put their future Comenius partnership to the test with this Etwinning project.
With this project we wish to:
improve students' English communication level;
share specific information about our different ways of celebrating common festivities;
recognise our European cultural diversity and lifestyles;
create bonds between our students;
develop students' creativity and autonomy;
improve students' knowledge of the different countries and cities;
explore our interaction abilities in order to get ready for our Comenius Project;
There will be a set of similar tasks / activities used as guidelines for each important date or celebration. In each school teachers are going to
select a group of ten to fifteen students with a reasonable English level. These important dates are already a part of our schools' curricula and these will be new ways of exploring those dates for our students. Christmas is going to be the perfect opportunity to get the whole process started.
We want to exchange e-mail messages, e-cards and/ or postcards about each festivity and post photos or small videos of our different ways of celebrating special dates at our schools and in our communities. There will also be some small online competitions to choose the best photos / best school news article / best drawings /best slogan/ best poem /etc... We'll create a webpage to post students' works and a "photolog" of each important celebration. Each country will also be invited to share information about one or two important national dates. In order to get the larger school community involved, students will write news articles for their school newspapers about different traditions of the other countries. We'll also try to arrange videoconferences between our students, in order to talk about some of these special days.
Christmas, New year, Carnival, Saint Valentine's day and Easter are the most obvious important moments for this project and we'll also have the celebrations of national important dates.
At the end we expect our students to:
have a better English communication level;
increase their social skills;
have a set of intersting files about the different ways of celebrating important dates;
have a better knowledge of the different countries and cities represented in the project;
know some greetings and simple usual expressions in the different national languages.
With this project teachers also expect to exchange teaching stratergies / methods, increase students interest and motivation and create strong foundations for a Comenius project.