English classes in PLO PŁ
  Other Lives - Same Lives
Dokumentacja projektu na:
Status: closed
Uczestnicy 2010/2011:
Magdalena Słupska
Aleksandra Madej
Emilia Rogalewicz
Aleksandra Błaszczyk
Sikorski Adam
Maślanka Łukasz
Gastpali Konrad 
Kneblewska Natalia 
Bem Aleksandra
Barańska Edyta 
Kamiński Rafał 
Tomczyk Agnieszka 
Tomasz Chudzik
Tomasz Pietrucha
Maciej Gawot
Antek Grzanka
Jakub Pyrzanowski
Maciej Furmaniak
Martyna Wróblewska
Wiktor Klonowski
Karolina Dembowska
Daniel Darnikowski
The project involved cross-cultural exchanges through e-mail and online communication between pupils of the same age. The educational aim of the project was the creation of virtual class consisting of students from different countries. They had to communicate in English and talk about their every day routine, life in their native country, their problems, hopes ad plans. Using English in real life motivated them to learn and improved the quality of English language lessons in our schools. Moreover, students widened their knowledge about the ICT tools and English language.
Cross cultural integration. Improving language abilities. Using IT in education.
Work process:
Monitored by teachers in both countries.1. The preparation of personal profiles of each students taking part in the project2. Students wrote e-mails to their partners abroad to get to know each other. 3. Students had to create Powerpoint presentations, video, crosswords, wikis and exchange cultural information. They worked in groups preparing material according to the timetable, which had been agreed beforehand. They also had to interview each other in chat rooms, using skype, etc. The teachers created the questions together with the students for an interview.
Creation of the project's web-site “My Life – Your Life” with the information concerning the students, the schools, the towns and the countries.

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