English classes in PLO PŁ
  Young Network of Religious Dialogue
Dokumentacja projektu na:
Status: closed
Uczestnicy projektu 2010/2011:
Magdalena Słupska
Aleksandra Madej
Emilia Rogalewicz
Aleksandra Błaszczyk
Sikorski Adam
Maślanka Łukasz
Gastpali Konrad 
Kneblewska Natalia 
Bem Aleksandra
Barańska Edyta 
Kamiński Rafał 
Tomczyk Agnieszka 
Tomasz Chudzik
Tomasz Pietrucha
Maciej Gawot
Antek Grzanka
Jakub Pyrzanowski
Maciej Furmaniak
Martyna Wróblewska

The aim was to learn about other cultures way of living/ of celebrating special days. The students learnt to show respect to others. By realizing the differences and /or similarities of festivals they broadened their mind and ended prejudices they might have had.
Work process:
Students first found out all the national / religious days the other cultures have. Then taking each one seperately they tried fo find the answers to the questions like: When was it first celebrated? At the end they compared them to find the differences and similarities.

Students broadened their knowledge about other countries important days. They felt respect to them and they exchanged greetings and congrulations when such a day has co
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